Construction Edge Finance Department

For questions about financing please call 254-855-6242 or visit us at 6514 Interstate 35 S. Waco, TX 76706 or email 

If you're considering financing your new  Wacker Neuson, ASV,  or Yanmar equipment, you're in good hands with our finance department.  Let us help you set up a payment plan that gets you the loader, excavator or other equipment you need as soon as possible.  Financing also available for used purchases and attachment purchases with approved credit.

Traditional retail finance or lease options are available.

We offer competitive financing for the following equipment:  Yanmar tractors, Yanmar excavators, ASV skid steer loaders, Wacker Neuson skid steer loaders, excavators, telehandlers, wheel loaders, and many more.

Apply Today

Our knowledgeable finance staff is here to make the process of purchasing easy, so there's no reason to put it off. To get a quote, apply now. We are happy to contact you to discuss our available financing options.

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